Sunday 4 March 2018

Opponents to Offshore Drilling Called to Attend Federal Agency Public Meeting on New Drilling Plan

Urging protection of people, wildlife, communities, and local economy


Concord, NH — On Monday, March 5, 2018, the public is invited to drop in from 3 pm to 7 pm at the Holiday Inn, Main St. Concord, NH to participate in an open house style public information session concerning the federal proposal to allow offshore oil and gas exploration and drilling. This is an official public event hosted by the Department of Interior’s Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM). The proposal would allow for oil and gas drilling along the east, west, Gulf Coast, and Alaskan coastlines with an accelerated permitting process. Public opposition from economic and environmental quarters has been swift and profound.  
WHAT: Bureau of Ocean Energy Management Public Meeting on Offshore Drilling Proposal
DATE: Monday March 5, 2018
TIME: 3 p.m. until 7 p.m.
WHERE: Holiday Inn North Main Street, Concord, NH
New Hampshire’s coast is part of the Gulf of Maine, a dynamic ecosystem that is under increasing pressure from development, pollution, and changes in climate. The impacts from oil and gas development can have drastic effects on the New England and New Hampshire’s coastal and offshore environments and the people that live and work there. In New Hampshire, this region contributes millions of dollars to the economy and provides access to recreate and enjoy its coast and the Great Bay and Hampton estuaries to local, regional, and international sightseers.
The proposal has received steep opposition nationally and from New Hampshire’s top elected officials, including US Senators Jeanne Shaheen and Margaret Wood Hassan, Congresswomen Carol Shea Porter (NH-1) and Annie Kuster (NH-2) and Governor Sununu. Seacoast fishing businesses, homeowners, and tourism industries have also opposed the proposal. However, public support for this opposition is essential for the federal government to reverse course. The organizations working to oppose this drilling plan urge all residents to come to this federal agency public session to learn about the proposal, prepare themselves to make written comments (no verbal comments allowed), and to show their concern by attending this event.
Opponents to drilling are asked to wear blue to show support for the deep blue ocean. Cooperating organizations working together to oppose this include Clean Water Action, Conservation Law Foundation, League of Conservation Voters, Natural Resources Defense Council, Surfrider Foundation, and the Environmental Group of The Resistance Seacoast, the Seacoast Science Center and they urge all to who care for the coast to participate.
*March 5, 2018 10:00 a.m. Legislative Office Building Concord, NH. A press conference with local voices opposed to proposal organized by a partnership of local interests and groups.
*March 5, 2018  3:00 – 4:30 p.m. sign waving outside the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management session at the Holiday Inn Main St. Concord.
*March 9, 2018: Last day for public written comments.  BOEM directs comment submissions via this official portal.
*Other public meetings nationwide are listed here:
For more information contact: Catherine M. Corkery, NH Sierra Club Chapter Director, 603-491-1929,

Opponents to Offshore Drilling Called to Attend Federal Agency Public Meeting on New Drilling Plan posted first on Green Energy Times

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