Monday 25 February 2019

Tomorrow: Rally for the Green New Deal

Tomorrow, February 26, activists from across the country are mobilizing for a massive Green New Deal day of action.

The Green New Deal will put us on the path for a more prosperous, more sustainable future. By confronting the climate crisis head-on, this legislation will spur clean energy jobs and invest directly in our communities — not corporate profits.

Act now: Join a Green New Deal rally near you tomorrow.

The time for action is now. Thanks to activists, the Green New Deal now has wide support across the country despite shameful efforts by polluters and their Republican cronies to silence us and block this legislation.

Unless leaders in Washington show courage and listen to their constituents, corporations will continue to pollute the air we breathe, poison the water we drink, and jeopardize our livelihoods.

We know the fossil fuel industry will fight us tooth-and-nail to stop climate action, but they can’t buy our voices. If we build a historic, people-powered movement, the Green New Deal can become a reality — but only if we show up and speak out this Tuesday.

RSVP now

Together, we can show Congress that we demand bold action on climate.

See you there,

Hannah Bristol
Mobilization Director
NextGen Rising

P.S. Can’t make it to the rally but still want to speak out? Write to Congress and urge your representatives to support the Green New Deal.

Tomorrow: Rally for the Green New Deal posted first on Green Energy Times

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