Friday 1 February 2019

February 1 Green Energy News

Headline News:

  • “If The Earth Is Warming, Why Is It So Cold In Chicago?” • The record cold temperatures have prompted the alleged leader of the free world to tweet America could use some good old-fashioned “global waming.” The thing The Donald is incapable of comprehending is that weather and climate are two separate and distinct things. [CleanTechnica]

Temperatures and the polar vortex (NASA image)

  • “Powering The World’s Largest Telescope” • The Square Kilometre Array’s thousands of dishes and million antennas in the deserts of Australia and Africa will revolutionize radio astronomy, as long as they can be supplied with electricity. Renewable resources offer a way to provide that power inexpensively. [Physics Today]
  • “Taiwan’s Government Affirms Commitment To Abolish Nuclear By 2025” • Taiwan will maintain its goal of abolishing nuclear power by May 2025, despite the vote in last November’s referendum, which required the removal of an article of legislation calling for all six nuclear reactors on the island to be shuttered. [The News Lens International]
  • “These Dozen States Could Move To 100% Renewable Electricity” • Last year, California set the most ambitious energy goal in the nation: reaching 100% renewable energy in just over 25 years. This year, as many as 13 other states are rearing to join it. The states are signalling they will not wait for the federal government to change course. [CBS News]
  • “Australia Is Sweltering Through Record-Breaking Heat. And The Worst Is Yet To Come” • As the US suffers from record cold, with temperatures plummeting below -32° C (-27° F), Australia is sweltering through an extreme heat wave. Scientists link increasingly hot dry weather to climate change, which they say will bring even worse weather. [CNN]

For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.

February 1 Green Energy News posted first on Green Energy Times

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