Sunday 27 November 2016

November 27 Green Energy News

Headline News:

  • Following the removal of sanctions, Iranian energy demands are starting to increase, particularly from heavy industry, and this means output from renewables is expected to grow. The country’s renewables body is looking to attract $10 billion of direct private investment by 2018 and $60 billion by 2025. [Renewable Energy Focus]
Wind turbines in northwestern Iran (Shutterstock image)

Wind turbines in northwestern Iran (Shutterstock image)

  • COP22 lacked the glamour of the achievements of last year’s Paris agreement. National governments seemed most concerned with fast-tracking rules. But businesses, regional governments, and cities have stepped up with plans and initiatives to address climate change, moving to a low carbon and climate resilient future. []
  • Awareness of climate change and how to help sustain the environment will soon be taught in classrooms across the UAE, authorities announced. Curricula may include learning about sustainability, and school children will be shown how to take energy-saving measures. The program will include children of all ages. []
  • Recently, researchers from Carnegie Mellon University calculated the carbon footprint of Thanksgiving dinners, had every year on November 24, and published their findings for different states in the US. The meal-footprint is lowest in Vermont (0.09 kg of carbon dioxide released) and highest in West Virginia (36. 3 kg). [The Wire]
  • President-elect Donald Trump may want to cut environmental regulations, but the Tennessee Valley Authority is still moving away from coal. The federal utility got more than two-thirds of its electricity from burning coal two decades ago, but it expects to get a bit less than a quarter of its power from coal next year. [Chattanooga Times Free Press]

For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.

November 27 Green Energy News posted first on Green Energy Times

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