Saturday 26 November 2016

November 26 Green Energy News

Headline News:

  • In a quest to push development of up to 60 MW in power generation development, the Power Authority of Guam, a US island territory in the Philippine Sea, has narrowed down its list of bidders to seven that are considered qualified. One of the bidders proposed the development of a 10 MW geothermal project. [ThinkGeoEnergy]
Island coast at Yona, Guam in Micronesia

Island coast at Yona, Guam in Micronesia (source: flickr/ Jonathan Miske, creative commons)

  • WWF-Canada has developed a tool to build habitat protection into the renewable-energy development process, so conflicts with wildlife can be prevented before significant investments are considered. The digital tool helps identify areas where renewable potential is high and conflict with nature is comparatively low. [WWF-Canada Blog]
  • A collaboration between two Dutch co-operatives and four international companies has entered into a power purchase agreement to buy 350 GWh of electricity per year from the Windpark Krammer development for 15 years. So, they ensure the wind park’s viability while reaching their sustainability goals. [The Guardian]
    Basis of a circular economy (Photo: Portland General Electric)
  • A new confrontation is brewing over the Dakota Access Pipeline. Protesters fighting pipeline construction must vacate federal property near the Cannonball River in North Dakota by December 5 or face arrest, the Army Corps of Engineers said. The demonstrators must a large campsite where they have been staying. [CNN]
  • President-elect Donald Trump has vowed to end the “war on coal,” but one Michigan utility’s said his company plans to phase out the fuel, regardless. The company has already shuttered three coal-fired units, and has plans to shelve another eight by 2030. Its CEO said the company is on the path to phasing out coal completely. []

For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.

November 26 Green Energy News posted first on Green Energy Times

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