Sunday 13 November 2016

November 13 Green Energy News

Headline News:

  • “Trump Won’t Stop Global Climate Action, Might Accidentally Help” • Donald Trump disputed the existence of anthropogenic climate change. However, a Trump presidency isn’t the disaster one might think for climate action globally or in the US. In fact, he might actually reduce US emissions, however unintentionally. [CleanTechnica]
King Canute, trying to stop the tide

King Canute, trying to stop the tide – Nature has a way of ignoring our most ardent wishes. 

  • Amid concerns over the threat by US President-elect Donald Trump, who has earlier vowed to cancel last year’s Paris climate agreement, the COP22 President, Salaheddine Mezouar said that one country walking out of the deal will not mean anything. The Paris agreement is already in force and the rest of the world is moving on. [Web India 123]
  • China will continue to be an active player in climate talks and its policies will be unaffected by any external changes, according to a Chinese negotiator at the 22nd Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP22). He remarked on the issue on the sidelines of the conference in Marrakesh. [The Nation]
  • Another top auto-manufacturer, Renault, is facing a criminal investigation in France related to possible diesel emissions test manipulation, according to recent reports. French prosecutors were sent findings of an inquiry into the matter by a consumer fraud watchdog. The same organization is also looking into other companies. [CleanTechnica]
  • Florida’s utility industry steered more than $20 million of their profits into a failed constitutional amendment to impose new barriers to the expansion of rooftop solar energy generation. The Florida Solar Energy Industry Association estimates that 2,315 MW of solar electric capacity will be installed in the next five years. [Miami Herald]

For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.

November 13 Green Energy News posted first on Green Energy Times

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