Saturday 12 November 2016

November 12 Green Energy News

Headline News:

  • ExxonMobil has just dropped a tweet in support of putting the Paris climate agreement into force. Connect the dots, and that may mean the Trump Administration may be poised to throw coal under the bus. The company has clearly been positioning itself to be able to continue extracting fossil fuels in a changing world. [CleanTechnica]
Coal trains (Photo: Kimon Berlin via, creative commons license)

Coal trains (Photo: Kimon Berlin via, creative commons license)

  • “The Fortune 500 Can’t Go Along with a Rollback on Climate Policy” • Nearly every firm in the Fortune 500 has acknowledged the reality of climate change, along with thousands of smaller companies. Most of the business world sees climate change’s tremendous threat – they need to make that perspective heard. [Harvard Business Review]
  • Fears that the UK power system would not be able to cope with intermittent technologies, such as wind and solar, have been “overblown”, according to the Secretary of the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy. Speaking at the annual Energy UK conference, he said “doubters have been proven wrong.” [reNews]
  • Having already signed two renewable energy purchase deals in the US and Scotland in just over a year, confectionery company Mars Inc announced a new wind power partnership, this time in Mexico. The company urged global leaders to adopt ambitious goals; its own objective is to become carbon neutral by 2040. [SeeNews Renewables]
  • The renewable energy projects operating and being developed in the Dominican Republic could produce 27% of its electricity by 2018. Generation is being developed from solid waste and wind. Hydroelectric plants already produce 15% of the electricity. The country could easily exceed its promised 25% for COP21. [Dominican Today]

For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.

November 12 Green Energy News posted first on Green Energy Times

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