Monday 17 October 2016

October 17 Green Energy News

Headline News:

  • The HY4, the world’s first four-seater hydrogen fuel cell plane, took off for the first time at the Stuttgart airport in Germany. The plane was developed by researchers from the German Aerospace Center with help from Hydrogenics, Pipistrel, H2FLY, the University of Ulm and Stuttgart Airport. [Composites Manufacturing Magazine]
HY4 hydrogen fuel cell aircraft

HY4 hydrogen fuel cell aircraft

  • According to the UK’s Department of Energy and Climate Change report, biomass sourced from whole trees and other large-diameter wood is a high-carbon fuel, increasing carbon emissions compared to coal and natural gas for decades, well beyond timeframes relevant for solving climate change. [Natural Resources Defense Council]
  • With a capacity factor of 51.9%, the 2,000-MW Sandstone Energy facility is equivalent to a 1.15 GW Nuclear Power plant. Over a 25-year lifetime, it will produce 227 billion kWh. At an expected cost of $5 billion, with a 30% federal tax credit, the system can be expected to generate electricity at a cost of 2.8¢/kWh. [Electrek]
  • Natural gas generators are a dominant source of power, especially for peak electricity demand periods in New England, but natural gas supply methods haven’t kept up. As a result, most of the region is vulnerable to volatile electricity prices, said Tom Dunn, CEO of VELCO, which manages transmission lines for utilities. []
  • Tidal energy technology is being tested for the first time in Tasmania. A tidal energy turbine has been installed to investigate and optimize the device’s performance. Researchers from the Australian Maritime College will conduct field experiments with a prototype in partnership with developers MAKO Tidal Turbines. [PACE Today]

For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.


October 17 Green Energy News posted first on Green Energy Times

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