Tuesday 23 April 2019

Will vehicle automation help or hurt the environment?

By Kate Doughty, Communications Assistant

Many of today’s cars are already available with connected and autonomous vehicle (CAV) technologies such as adaptive cruise control and automatic emergency braking. Testing of fully autonomous vehicles is underway in cities and states across the United States, including Arizona, Texas, and Wyoming. And 22 US states and Washington, DC, have already passed legislation to shape the rollout and impacts of these vehicles.

We will focus on energy impacts at our upcoming Forum on Connected and Autonomous Vehicles, which will feature policymakers, researchers, and industry leaders such as General Motors, Toyota, and Volvo. To get a sneak peek, we spoke with one of our moderators, Wendy Tao, who heads Smart Cities for Siemens Intelligent Traffic Systems, about the opportunities — and challenges — of a CAV future.

Your team has partnered with local governments on smart city transportation solutions. Which cities are viewing CAVs as a way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve livability?

Many of the conversations are around safety but there are some key initiatives that are thinking of how to improve environmental objectives.  For example, in Arcadia, California, there is a Live Oak corridor where they are testing how connected vehicle information can provide advice on how to minimize stops and delay to be most efficient in traveling the corridor. Another example that we have worked on is in Newcastle in the UK (Project Compass 4D), where one of the key connected vehicle use cases included a green light speed advisory (priority green wave applications) to reduce overall delay…

To continue reading the blog post, visit: https://www2.aceee.org/e/310911/ehicle-automation-help-or-hurt/89mckt/340069326?h=Vr-EaokqB1WPdV-0REqMHwZnqemX94vvqjDczdYC4-M

Will vehicle automation help or hurt the environment? posted first on Green Energy Times

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