Tuesday 23 April 2019

April 23 Green Energy News

Headline News:

  • “Hawaii’s Waikiki Beach Could Soon Be Underwater Because Of Climate Change. Lawmakers Are Fighting To Preserve It” • Hawaii state Rep Chris Lee has a 2-year-old niece. If recent climate reports about Hawaii are correct, he said, after she finishes high school, she may not be able to lie in the sun on Waikiki Beach. [CNN]

Waikiki beach (M Borsch | De Agostini Editorial | Getty Images)

  • “Britain Has Been Surviving Without Coal Power Since Thursday” • Climate change activists are still blocking streets in London, but according to tweets from the UK’s national grid, the country gone without coal power for 86 hours straight. The streetlights are still working, the internet is still switched on, and the kettles are still boiling. [Metro]
  • “California Just Made More Clean Energy Than It Needed” • The California Independent Systems Operator, the state’s grid operator, has shown that for most of the period between 1:50 PM and 3:05 PM on Sunday April 21, the amount of carbon-free electricity generated in the region it covers exceeded customer demands. [pv magazine USA]
  • “Greenland Is Melting Even Faster Than Experts Thought, Study Finds” • Climate change is eliminating giant chunks of ice from Greenland at such a speed that the melt has already made a significant contribution to sea level rise, according to a study. About 40% to 50% of the planet’s population is in cities that are vulnerable to sea rise. [CNN]
  • “New Mexico Utility Says It Will Be Emissions-Free By 2040” • Officials from the Public Service Co of New Mexico, the state’s largest electric provider, rolled out a plan to be emissions-free as early as 2040 during an Earth Day event in Albuquerque. They said PNM is the first investor-owned utility in the US to set such a goal. [Artesia Daily Press]

For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.

April 23 Green Energy News posted first on Green Energy Times

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