Friday, 22 November 2019

Bulk Pellet Bin Incentive – public comment

The Clean Energy Development Fund (CEDF) is proposing a new incentive to encourage Vermonters that heat with wood pellets to install a bulk pellet bin instead of relying only on the plastic 40 lb. bags of pellets.  The incentive will provide Vermonters with a voucher worth up to $3,000 for the installation of a bulk pellet bin. The details of this proposed program are below.

The Clean Energy Development Board will be considering this proposed program at their December 11th meeting. If you have questions or comments on the proposed incentive please send them to Andrew Perchlik at or 802.828.4017 before the end of the work day December 9th.

Also, as previously announced, CEDF’s wood & pellet stove change-out program is ending soon. Customers only have until Monday December 16, 2019 to purchase an eligible stove.  The participating installer will then have until January 15th, 2020 to complete the installation of your stove.  For details on the CEDF wood stove (and advanced pellet boiler) incentives please visit: where you can find a list of participating stove retailers.


Clean Energy Development Fund: Small Scale Renewable Energy Incentive Program

PROPOSED Residential Bulk Pellet Storage Incentive Vouchers for 2020

A maximum of $300,000 in incentives is available. These funds are federal Dept. of Energy dollars and as such have federal restrictions attached.

Program proposed to begin February 3, 2020.

Program Description:

Vermont property owners could obtain a pellet storage voucher worth up to $3,000 (or 85% of the total bin/materials cost, not including labor, whichever is less) towards the cost of a new eligible bulk pellet storage bin.

Customers would apply to the CEDF for a voucher through the Small Scale Renewable Energy Incentive Program (SSREIP). The vouchers would be sent to customers by the CEDF/SSREIP.  The customer then chooses the bin/bin vendor from the list of participating vendors and submits the voucher to their chosen vendor.

The vendor then installs the bin and sends the voucher to the CEDF/SSREIP for payment by the CEDF to the vendor.

The program will operate on a first-come first-served basis until all funds are spent or until June 12, 2020, whichever comes first. The program could be renewed depending on funding and program results.

Proposed Program Eligibility:

  1. Vouchers only are paid to participating vendors
  2. Vouchers only valid for pre-approved bulk pellet storage bins
  3. Requires proof of ownership of an eligible pellet stove, boiler, furnace, or a sap evaporator.
    • Pellet Stoves must be certified to the EPA’s 2015 or 2020 standards to be eligible.
    • Pellet boilers & furnaces must be on (or had been when they were installed) the list of eligible boilers and furnaces for the CEDF SSREIP pellet boiler incentive to be eligible.
    • Any installed pellet fired sap evaporator is eligible.

Proposed Eligibility of Bulk Pellet Bins:

  1. Must be able to hold at least 1 ton of bulk wood pellets
  2. Must be new and installed after a pellet bin voucher is issued
  3. Cannot be the only pellet bin for a newly installed pellet boiler that received a CEDF incentive. It can be an additional to the storage bin installed with the pellet boiler.
  4. Must be able to receive bulk pellets delivered by pneumatic bulk pellet delivery vehicle.
  5. Must either have a vacuum connection to pneumatically transfer pellets out of the bin, or a mechanism that allows for the pellets to be removed from the bin by hand/non pneumatically.
  6. Must be pre-approved by the CEDF. Approved bins will be approved at a set price. The CEDF will maintain a list of eligible bins and vendors on its web site.
    • Pellet bin vendors can apply to the CEDF to get their bulk pellet bins approved for the program.

Bulk Pellet Bin Incentive – public comment posted first on Green Energy Times

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