Wednesday 3 July 2019

July 3 Green Energy News

Headline News:

  • “Houston Ranks Number One In America In Renewable Energy Use” • The City of Houston, long associated with oil, sources a whopping 92% of its power from wind and solar energy. According to a February EPA report, that impressive percentage ranks it higher in renewable energy use than any other city government in the US. [PaperCity Magazine]

Wind turbines

  • “Last Month Broke The Record For Hottest June Ever In Europe And Around The World” • Will this be a summer for the history books? Average global temperatures were the hottest on record last month, ranging about 0.10°C (or 0.18°F) higher than that of the previous record-holder, the Copernicus Climate Change Service reported. [CNN]
  • “Four Reasons Renewables Will Continue To Dominate Fossil Fuels” • Renewables will dominate energy markets in the US because of their economics, even without the support of policy, some analysts agree. To start with, as renewables gain more market share, fossil fuels are displaced, driving up their per-unit costs. But there is more. [Forbes]
  • “Rural America Could Power A Renewable Economy – But First We Need To Solve Coal Debt” • Despite falling prices for wind and solar projects, the electric cooperatives that power most of rural America remain particularly reliant on coal. This is in part because of billions of dollars in debt on increasingly uneconomic coal plants. [Clean Cooperative]
  • “NASA Warns ‘Rapid Melting’ Of Glaciers Has DOUBLED” • Climate change and global warming have “doubled” the rates at which Himalayan glaciers are rapidly melting, space agency NASA has shockingly claimed. With temperatures continuing to rise unchecked, up to 75% of the Himalayan glaciers will be gone by the year 2100. []

For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.

July 3 Green Energy News posted first on Green Energy Times

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