Saturday 20 July 2019

July 20 Green Energy News

Headline News:

  • “New York Completes Nation’s Largest Renewable Energy Procurement” • New York has completed the single largest renewable energy procurement in any US state’s history. The state made awards for two offshore wind projects that total nearly 1.7 GW. The winning bids were Sunrise Wind for 880 MW and Equinor for 816 MW. [Energy Manager Today]

Worker climbing to an Ørsted offshore wind turbine in the UK (Ørsted image)

  • “European Electric Car Market News – Triple The Number Of Models And More Battery Factories” • Analysis by IHS Markit found that European car makers plan to triple the number of models with plugs by the end of 2021, from 60 today to 210 just eighteen months from now. Europe will also see rapid growth in the capacity of battery factories. [CleanTechnica]
  • “Kenya’s President Formally Launches Africa’s Biggest Wind Power Farm” • Kenya has formally launched Africa’s largest windpower plant. The $680 million (€600 million) scheme, a 365-turbine wind farm on the eastern shores of Lake Turkana, is delivering 310 MW of power to the national grid of East Africa’s most dynamic economy. [Gulf Times]
  • “Trump’s USDA Buried Sweeping Climate Change Response Plan” • The Agriculture Department quashed the release of a sweeping plan on how farmers could respond and adapt to climate change that was finalized in the early days of the Trump administration, according to a USDA employee with knowledge of the decision. [Politico]
  • “Petition Seeks To Force New England Anti-Renewable Group To Disclose Its Donors” • Consumer advocacy group Public Citizen and New Hampshire asked federal regulators to require a nonprofit that opposes state renewable energy subsidies to reveal its members, charging its claim that it represents ratepayers is misleading. [Energy News Network]

For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.

July 20 Green Energy News posted first on Green Energy Times

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