Sunday 30 June 2019

June 30 Green Energy News

Headline News:

  • “With Any Midwestern Rainfall This Summer, The Missouri River Could Flood The Lower Basin Region” • March storms in the Midwest caused significant damage to the levee system of the Missouri River and now any strong or frequent rainfall this summer could trigger flooding along the lower Missouri River, experts say. [CNN]

Missouri River at flood (Army Corps of Engineers)

  • “Oceans Start To Slow Down On Carbon Dioxide Absorption” • Oceanographic researchers at the University of California Santa Barbara report that the ocean’s dynamic ability to act as a carbon sink is influenced by a number of factors, importantly including ocean circulation. This may explain why atmospheric CO₂ levels can rise when emissions do not. [Science Times]
  • “Lamu Coal Plant Not Even Economically And Commercially Viable, Says Chinese Envoy” • Chinese ambassador Wu Peng assured Kenya that his country will not force coal on Kenyans. Wu said China is committed to reducing coal usage in the world. He confirmed that a coal-burning plant set to be built is not economically and commercially viable. [K24 TV]
  • “World’s Largest Single Solar Plant Starts Commercial Operations In Abu Dhabi” • Emirates Water and Electricity Company announced that the 1,177-MW “Noor Abu Dhabi,” the world’s largest single solar project, started commercial operation. The plant offsets natural gas use, reducing CO₂ emissions by a million metric tons per year. [Utilities Middle East]
  • “Theresa May Urges G20 Leaders To Tackle Climate Change As US Refuses” • Speaking after the two-day G20 summit, Prime Minister Theresa May told the other countries to “raise their ambition” to tackle climate change. A joint declaration to tackle climate change was only agreed upon after the US inserted an exemption cause. [City A.M.]

For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.

June 30 Green Energy News posted first on Green Energy Times

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