Thursday 27 June 2019

June 27 Green Energy News

Headline News:

  • “H55, Solar Impulse Spinoff, Introduces Electric 2-Seat Airplane” • A spinoff from Solar Impulse going by the short name of H55 flew a successful maiden flight with an electric two-seat airplane. Using an electric propulsion system made by BRM Aero, the Bristell Energic airplane is perfect for pilot training and flight schools. [CleanTechnica]

H55 Electric Flight Trainer (Anna Pizzolante | © H55)

  • “Recent Science Raises Oil Industry’s Climate Litigation Risk” • The fossil fuel industry defenses for its role in climate change are being chipped away. Earlier this year, the US Supreme Court denied a request from ExxonMobil to review a Massachusetts court decision that allowed the state’s attorney general to seek internal company documents. [Forbes]
  • “US Electricity Generation From Renewables Surpassed Coal In April” • In April 2019, US monthly electricity generation from renewable sources exceeded coal-fired generation for the first time according to data published in the EIA’s Electric Power Monthly. Renewable sources provided 23% of total electricity generation; coal provided 20%. [Renewables Now]
  • “European Heatwave Sets New June Temperature Records” • The heatwave now affecting much of Europe is expected to intensify further. Some countries, including France and Spain expect temperatures above 40°C (104°F). Germany, Poland, and the Czech Republic have seen their highest-ever temperatures for June. [BBC]
  • “Global Offshore Wind Market Grew 16% In Last 12 Months” • The global offshore wind market has grown by 16% over the last 12 months, according to new figures from the UK’s wind energy trade body, RenewableUK. The US accounts for nearly half of the rapid global growth, as it became the third largest market for the technology. [CleanTechnica]

For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.

June 27 Green Energy News posted first on Green Energy Times

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