Tuesday 26 March 2019

March 26 Green Energy News

Headline News:

  • “Slashing Fossil Fuel Use Could Save Millions Of Lives At Risk Due To Air Pollution, Study Says” • Air pollution causes many premature deaths, which can cause heart, lung and other diseases. Worldwide, 3.61 million people die each year due to outdoor pollution caused by fossil fuels, an international team of researchers estimates. [CNN]

Air pollution (Fred Dufour | AFP | AFP | Getty Images)

  • “Shutting Down Almost Every Coal Plant And Swapping For Renewables Would Save Money, Report Finds” • Few reports make really clear how much US coal is a dead man walking. Energy Innovation analysis shows that it would cost less to tear down 74% of US coal plants and replace them with renewables than to let them keep operating. [Gizmodo]
  • “Puerto Rico Has Just Passed Its Own Green New Deal” • Puerto Rico has passed a bill to radically transform the island’s economy with renewable energy as the central pillar. Its legislature approved Senate Bill 1121, the Puerto Rico Energy Public Policy Act, which will set the island on a path to 100% renewable energy by 2050. [Forbes]
  • “Global Coal Use Up As Greenhouse Gas Emissions Rise” • Greenhouse gas emissions from energy production rose strongly again last year, according to new data from the International Energy Agency. A young fleet of coal-fired power plants in Asia accounts for a large proportion of the increase, but energy demand is growing, too. [The Guardian]
  • “China Building Floating Nuclear Power Plants To Power Ocean Colony Of Artificial Islands In ‘sinister Military Sea Grab’” • China is developing a fleet of floating nuclear plants as part of plans to tighten its grip on the South China Sea. The £300 million shipborne stations will bring clean energy, heat, and water to remote islands and oil rigs. [The Sun]

For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.

March 26 Green Energy News posted first on Green Energy Times

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