Friday 22 March 2019

Funding for Commercial Advanced Wood Heat Installations Announcement and RFP

Windham Regional Commission Request for Grant Proposals
Installation of Advanced Wood Heat System in Commercial Buildings
Date of Release: March 22, 2019
Proposals Due: April 15, 2019
Windham Wood Heat (WWH), a Windham Regional Commission program, is seeking grant proposals from commercial establishments in Windham County seeking to convert from fossil fuel heating to advanced wood heat (AWH). WWH will provide grant funding of up to 25% of the installation cost (including design, installation, and acquisition costs of AWH systems and system components (i.e. controls, thermal and fuel storage)) with a maximum award of $100,000. Systems preferred to be installed by December, 2019. Awarded WWH grants will cover 100% of the costs for mandatory third party commissioning of the system installed.
Submit Proposals by 4:00 pm April 15th, 2019 via email, mail, or fax to:
Marion Major, Windham Regional Commission
139 Main St., Brattleboro VT 05301
Fax (802)254-6383, Phone (802)257-4547 x109
Read more for proposal requirements:

Proposal Requirements:

  • Complete application form (below) and required attachments by submission date.
  • Meet system requirements. The system must:

o Use advanced wood heating fuel (pellets, semi-dry chips, chips) as source of fuel; o Have documented PM10 emissions below .08 lbs/MMBtu, and comply with all

applicable Environmental Protection Agency and Vermont air quality rules/standards for particulate matter and other emissions; o Have an efficiency rating of 85% or greater, listed on a HHV value basis for peak rating

(not seasonal average) as documented by the manufacturer or by 3rd party certification; o Have enough storage capacity to allow continuous operation for a period of at least 21

days under peak load conditions; o Be designed for bulk delivery of wood fuels;

▪ If system is compatible with semi-dry chips as a fuel, receiving system must be designed to receive fuel from live-floor trailers as well as pneumatically and to have a standard unloading time of approximately 30 minutes. o Have an automated fuel feed from the bulk storage container to the system’s burn

chamber in an integrated path; o Include automated on/off fuel feed control based on demand for heat; and

o Comply with all manufacturer requirements and any applicable state and local codes

and ordinances.

Scoring Criteria (points possible 100):

  • Gallons (or other measurement unit if applicable) and type fossil fuel displaced (40 points)
  • Demonstration project (project is also designed for educational value) (30 points)
  • Semi-dry chip system (20 points)
  • Likelihood to be installed by December 2019 (10 points)

The Windham Wood Heat Initiative is funded through the State of Vermont’s Clean Energy Development Fund with funds allocated to Windham County through the settlement between the State and Entergy. If you represent a non-profit, public building or school, or a resident looking to install advanced wood heat, contact Marion Major ( for additional funding opportunities. Visit our website for information on installations funded through the WWH program at For general information on advanced wood heat, visit the Feel Good Heat website

Note: Efficiency Vermont (EVT), the State energy efficiency utility, is a consulting member of WWH.

Projects that receive the WWHI grant are not eligible for CEDF’s $3,000 pellet boiler incentive offered as part of the CEDF/EVT’s $6,000 incentive for pellet boilers.

EVT offers a full range of efficiency programs that complement the core services offered by the WWH program. The WWH program will coordinate with EVT to maximize these opportunities.

Windham Wood Heat Initiative Application Form

Facility Information Facility name and mailing address Year of Building Construction:

Years of major renovation(s):

First renovation: Second renovation: Contact person Building Use Number of Occupants Name: Title: Phone: Fax: E-mail address: Buildings If the facility has multiple buildings, list each building below, give its size in square feet and state whether it is heated from a central boiler plant Name of building Size in square feet Central boiler?

Expansion Plans Do you have any plans for expansion or major renovation in the foreseeable future? □ Yes □ No If so, describe below and include project timing.

Heating System Do you have a central heating system?YesNo

Do you have more than one heating system?YesNo

Do you have heating plants in multiple locations?YesNo How is heat delivered to rooms? (check all that are applicable)

Hot water


Forced air

Electric resistance

How is space heat generated? (Check all major systems used those that serve >20% of the building (s))

Hot water boiler

Steam boiler

Hot air furnace

Electric baseboard/fan coil heaters

Rooftop packaged units

Heat pumps

Heating equipment List each piece of heating equipment separately below. Include type of equipment, size in boiler horse power or BTU/hr or kW, fuel used, installation date, and condition (poor, fair, good, excellent). Size Type of Heater Fuel Type, year installed, and

condition Ex. 3.5 MBtu or 200 BHP Hot water boiler #2 fuel oil, installed in 1998, fair

If buried steam lines or hot water lines are used to connect multiple buildings to a central boiler plant, in what condition are the lines? Check One: □ Poor □ Fair □ Good □ Excellent

If your building uses heating oil, when was the tank installed? In what

condition is the oil tank? Check One: □ Poor □ Fair □ Good □ Excellent

Where is the fuel oil tank located? □ Underground □ Mechanical room, with combustion plant

□ Other Fuel Usage List each type of heating fuel used, the total amount and the total spent on each heating fuel last year. This information can be collected from your fuel bills or by contacting your fuel dealer(s)). In the last column, list the percentage of building square footage heated by each type of fuel. Also, ask your fuel provider if they are able to provide the building’s kFA number of heating degree days HDD) covered by one gallon of fuel oil) Fuel Type Year Volume Units Cost % of Total SF Ex. Fuel Oil 2014 20,000 Gallons $50,000 100

Domestic Hot Water Is domestic hot water provided by a different boiler than space heat? □ Yes □ No

Is domestic hot water heated from a central boiler? □ Yes □ No

If domestic hot water is provided by a different source than space heat, list the type of fuel and the total amount used in the past year. Fuel Type Year Volume Units

Other Information To what level have you explored an advanced wood heat boiler? (check all that are applicable)

□ Initial inquiry with no exploration by management

□ Wood heat pre\feasibility study conducted

□ Engineering firm feasibility study conducted

□ Specification/pricing/payback analysis conducted

Is there an individual responsible for the operation and maintenance of the current heating system, such as a custodian, facility manager, subcontractor etc.? □ Yes □ No If yes, who is it? Please provide contact information.

New System Information Installation Quote: Planning date of installation (approx.): Planned Fuel Type:

□ Pellet □ Semi-dry Chip □ Green Chip

Planned Storage for Fuel: If designs have been developed, does system meet the requirements listed in cover letter?

□ Yes □ No If installation is planned as a demonstration project, please explain:

Required Attachments: 1. If the facility has multiple heating plants in separate locations, provide a rough sketch of the campus showing the location on each heating system. Feel free to use pre-printed campus map or building floor plan if available.

  1. Attach copies of fuel bills for the past three years or as many years as available) and electric bills for all accounts on site including parking lighting or hot water which might be managed by a separate meter). Bills show fuel cost per unit (e.g. price of oil per gallon, electricity per kWh).

Email, mail or fax completed application form to:

Marion Major, Windham Regional Commission 139 Main St., Brattleboro VT 05301 Fax (802)254-6383, Phone (802)257-4547 x109


Funding for Commercial Advanced Wood Heat Installations Announcement and RFP posted first on Green Energy Times

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