Thursday 28 February 2019

NH LES Call for News – What’s On The Warrant for Town Meeting?

Is your community voting on any energy-related warrant articles at year’s Town Meeting? If so, NH Local Energy Solutions Work Group wants to hear about it! Please send a few sentences describing any energy issues your community may be voting on.

Send Us Your News for the March Newsletter – email to!

  • A brief snippet of a project, resource, or success story your community has been involved in and would like to share (please include photos!);
  • A challenge, barrier, or a question you have come across;
  • An event, workshop or training with date, time and location;

Please write your updates in the 3rd person, for example: “The energy committee is working with the select board…” 

Your email will be compiled into a snippet for the newsletter linked to the website.

The more input we get, the better we can help each other! Please feel free to contact me with any questions or ideas.

Please email ALL newsletter & event items to by Monday, March 4th.

NH LES Call for News – What’s On The Warrant for Town Meeting? posted first on Green Energy Times

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