Friday 15 February 2019

First Wednesdays Program at Rutland Free LIbrary: Mar. 6 at 7:00 p.m.

Middlebury Professor Explores Women’s Resistance in Literature

Image of female symbol on wall
Rutland ~ Middlebury College assistant professor Catharine Wright will explore the depiction in literature of women’s resistance to power in a talk at Rutland Free Library on March 6 at 7:00 pm. Her talk, “Outlaw Women,” is part of the Vermont Humanities Council’s First Wednesdays lecture series and is free and open to the public.
Feminist writers around the world have constructed characters that resist dominant power structures. Wright will discuss several such figures in fiction and memoir and consider the politics of our own reading practices.
Wright is a writer and feminist who teaches Writing and Rhetoric and Gender, Sexuality and Feminist Studies at Middlebury College. Her courses focus on narratives of resistance, identity formation, and postcolonial and transnational literature. She has published short fiction, poems, and essays in numerous magazines and is co-author/editor of two books, Vermonters at Their Crafts (New England Press), and Social Justice Education (Stylus Press). She organizes culturally relevant pedagogy workshops for teachers and has earned two Mellon grants for projects such as Writing Beyond Borders.

About First Wednesdays

The Vermont Humanities Council’s First Wednesdays series is held on the first Wednesday of every month from October through May in nine communities statewide, featuring speakers of national and regional renown. Talks in Rutland are held at Rutland Free Library unless otherwise noted. All First Wednesdays talks are free and open to the public. See the full schedule of Rutland First Wednesdays talks.
The statewide underwriters for the First Wednesdays 2018-2019 series are The Alma Gibbs Donchian Foundation, the Windham Foundation, and the Institute of Museum & Library Services through the Vermont Department of Libraries.
“Outlaw Women” is underwritten by The Marble Valley Regional Correctional Facility.
Rutland Free Library is sponsored by Friends of Rutland Free Library.
For more information, contact Rutland Free Library at 802.773.1860, or contact the Vermont Humanities Council at 802.262.2626 or, or visit

About Vermont Humanities Council

The Vermont Humanities Council seeks to engage all Vermonters in the world of ideas, foster a culture of thoughtfulness, and inspire a lifelong love of reading and learning. Because Ideas Matter.

First Wednesdays Program at Rutland Free LIbrary: Mar. 6 at 7:00 p.m. posted first on Green Energy Times

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