Monday 4 February 2019

February 4 Green Energy News

Headline News:

  • “Orkney’s Sustainability Revolution” • Orkney used to be a study in how to use energy unsustainably. The archipelago off the northern tip of Scotland bought and imported all its power from coal and gas plants on the Scottish mainland. These days it generates more electricity than it needs from wind turbines and tidal energy. [Noted]

Kirkwall, Orkney (RNZ | AFP)

  • “First Draft Of Concord’s Renewable Energy Plan Focuses Big On Efficiency, Electricity” • In New Hampshire, the Concord Energy and Environment Committee has a plan that would have the city’s municipal energy generated locally, houses would be built with rooftop solar in mind, and public transportation would be electric. [Concord Monitor]
  • “Army To Dismantle Historic Nuclear Reactor In Virginia” • The world’s first nuclear plant to supply energy to a power grid has been defunct for years. SM-1, for stationary medium power plant No 1, was dedicated in 1957. Now, the Army is preparing to break it up, check it for lingering radiation and haul it away piece by piece. [Stars and Stripes]
  • “In Budweiser’s “Wind Never Felt Better” Super Bowl Commercial, Renewable Energy Takes Center Stage” • With renewable energy constantly in the news, is it any surprise that Budweiser is joining the trend? Anheuser-Busch’s Budweiser appealed to a green audience in its Super Bowl LIII ad, titled “Wind Never Felt Better.” [CleanTechnica]
  • “Sodium Sulfur Battery In Abu Dhabi Is World’s Largest Storage Device” • Abu Dhabi now boasts the world’s largest storage battery, a 108-MW/648-MWh behemoth that has five times the capacity of the Hornsdale battery installed in Australia by Tesla a year ago. And the battery system in Abu Dhabi does not depend on lithium. [CleanTechnica]

For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.

February 4 Green Energy News posted first on Green Energy Times

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