Tuesday 19 February 2019

February 19 Green Energy News

Headline News:

  • “Should Lake Erie Have Legal Rights?” • On February 26, voters in Toledo, Ohio, will be asked to approve the Lake Erie Bill of Rights, a ballot initiative that would make it possible for citizens to sue those who pollute the lake for damages. The proposal is controversial, but passionately supported by environmental activists. [CleanTechnica]

Lake Erie Algal Bloom map

  • “21 New York Universities Form Renewable Energy Purchasing Consortium” • 21 universities in the state of New York banded together in the New York Campuses’ Aggregate Renewable Energy Solutions consortium, which seeks to lower financial barriers to renewable energy procurement through combined purchases. [CleanTechnica]
  • “Giant Wind Power Transmission Project Could Spark New Wind Rush In Wind Belt” • The Grain Belt Express is one in a group of ambitious wind power transmission projects under the umbrella of the company Clean Line Energy. The massive project 700-mile wind has been stalled, but it looks like it might be restarted. [CleanTechnica]
  • “Global Climate Targets Will Be Missed As Deforestation Rises, Study Says” • International targets to cut emissions and limit climate change will be missed due to rises in deforestation and delays in changing how humans use land, a new study warns. Deforestation and palm oil cultivation have contributed to the worsening situation. [CNN]
  • “How Renewable Energy Can Lower Power Cost” • Geothermal, solar and wind energy investments in Kenya over the past decade are beginning to pay off. In one year, wind-generated electricity has grown from 2% to over 14% of total installed national capacity. Geothermal power is at 45% and hydro is at 29.8%. [nation.co.ke]

For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.

February 19 Green Energy News posted first on Green Energy Times

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