Thursday 14 February 2019

BuildingEnergy Key Note Speaker Announced

Let’s Talk About Carbon!

Chris Magwood

Executive Director,
The Endeavour Centre

Jacob Racusin

Managing Partner,
New Frameworks

Ace McArleton

New Frameworks

With our BuildingEnergy Boston 2019 theme of “Know-How” in mind, we are pleased to announce this year’s keynote session, Carbon Drawdown Now: Turning Buildings into Carbon Sinks.

Presented by Chris Magwood of the Endeavour Centre, and Jacob Racusin and Ace McArleton of New Frameworks, the keynote will take place on Thursday, March 14 from 8:30am to 10am.

“Carbon Drawdown Now” will help you know how buildings have the potential to become the world’s fifth largest carbon sink, rather than a leading emitter, and more clearly know why your work is essential for climate justice and social equity. Read more here.

You will leave this keynote feeling reinvigorated in your work, eager to connect our community of practitioners with the wider network of change-makers, and fired up to transform our built environment and our world.

Jacob, Ace, and Chris’s work on this topic was the cover article of the Fall 2018 issue of BuildingEnergy magazine.

Read their article, Beyond Energy Efficiency: Why Embodied Carbon In Materials Matters, to learn more.

Register Now!

BuildingEnergy Key Note Speaker Announced posted first on Green Energy Times

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