Friday 7 December 2018

December 7 Green Energy News

Headline News:

  • “Trump’s Environmental Rollback Rolls On” • The Trump administration rollback continues to target rules. The Interior Department unveiled plans to allow oil drilling on millions of acres that have been off-limits to protect the greater sage grouse. And the EPA said it would end rules limiting carbon emissions on new coal plants. [BBC]

Greater sage grouse (Getty Images)

  • “California Gives Final OK to Require Solar Panels on New Houses” • Solar panels will be a required feature on new houses in California, after the state’s Building Standards Commission gave final approval to a housing rule that is the first of its kind in the US. The new standard includes incentives for batteries and is set to take effect in 2020. [NPR]
  • “Human-Induced Climate Change Makes Heatwaves Thirty Times More Likely” • Human-induced climate change has made the UK’s record-breaking 2018 summer heat wave around 30 times more likely than under normal conditions, country’s meteorological body has said. The summer of 2018 was the UK’s hottest on record. [CNN]
  • “One Hundred US Cities Are Committed to 100% Clean, Renewable Energy” • Cincinnati, Ohio, is the 100th city in the US to set a 100% renewable goal, the Sierra Club said. Cincinnati’s City Council approved a resolution to commit to 100% renewable energy by 2035. The states of California and Hawaii have made similar commitments. [Insurance News Net]
  • “Senate Narrowly Confirms Climate-Denying Nominee to Federal Energy Regulator” • The Senate approved the president’s nominee to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, despite evidence that the nominee strongly favors fossil fuels and rejects the overwhelming scientific evidence that human activity causes climate change. [ThinkProgress]

For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.

December 7 Green Energy News posted first on Green Energy Times

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