Thursday 13 December 2018

December 13 Green Energy News

Headline News:

  • “Airport Switches to Green Power” • Jackson Hole Airport will shift to sustainable energy starting this winter and become the largest organization in the region to go green. With all of its electricity coming from Lower Valley Energy, the airport’s commitment is equivalent to the energy use of 300 average Jackson homes. [Jackson Hole News&Guide]

Jackson Hole Airport (Bradly J Boner | News&Guide file)

  • “Current Climate Targets Put Us on Track for 3.0˚C of Warming by 2100” • The current state of global climate policies has the world on a path to 3.0˚C of warming by 2100, twice the 1.5˚C limit agreed upon in Paris three years ago, according to the Climate Action Tracker’s annual update which was published at the COP24 talks. [CleanTechnica]
  • “EBRD Approves New Strategy Focused on Decarbonization of Energy Systems” • The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development said its board of directors approved an energy sector strategy that rules out financing coal-fired power projects, confirming that the EBRD will not finance thermal coal mining or coal-fired generation. [Renewables Now]
  • “Gov Baker Energy Plan Hinges on Changes in Transportation and Buildings” • Massachusetts’ first energy plan said the state must step up its efforts for energy efficiency in transportation along with heating and cooling if the state is to be able to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, lower costs for ratepayers, and ensure energy reliability. [WBUR]
  • “Maine Regulators Reverse Gross Metering Decision for Mid-Sized, Large Customers” • Maine’s Public Utilities Commission, which was appointed by Governor LePage, has undone a regressive solar policy it had for a portion of customers, after being confronted with evidence that it was imposing costs on all ratepayers. [pv magazine USA]

For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.

December 13 Green Energy News posted first on Green Energy Times

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