Saturday 1 December 2018

December 1 Green Energy News

Headline News:

  • “A Solar Bonus is the Latest Clean Energy Incentive for Massachusetts Farmers” • A solar incentive launched this week in Massachusetts is the state’s latest effort to make it easier for farmers to adopt renewable power and become more energy efficient. The incentive promotes PV projects that coexist with agricultural uses. [Energy News Network]

Harvesting hay in Montague, Massachusetts

  • “More Americans and Most Republicans Now Believe in Climate Change” • A growing number of Americans believe that climate change is happening, a shift in public opinion from three years ago. About 8 in 10 Americans, including two-thirds of the Republicans, believe the climate is changing, causing extreme weather. [CNN]
  • “Polluters in the Room: Big Energy ‘Undermining’ UN Climate Talks” • Oil and coal giants are exploiting a lack of conflict-of-interest protection at UN climate talks to push for continued fossil fuel use, several sources have told AFP. Just days before COP 24, host country Poland announced three state-run coal giants would sponsor it. [Yahoo News]
  • “State and Regional Governments Responding to Climate Change Faster than National Governments” • A report by The Climate Group and others shows that leading states and regions worldwide are committed to emissions reductions of 6.2% per year, 3.2% faster than G20 governments and just short of the rate needed for a 2°C pathway. [CleanTechnica]
  • “Windy Weather Carries Britain to Renewable Energy Record” • Storm Diana brought strong winds that helped set a renewable energy record. Wind farms supplied about a third of the UK’s electricity from 6:00 pm to 6:30 pm, peak demand time, on November 28. Output hit a high of 14.9 GW, beating a previous record of 14.5 GW. [The Guardian]

For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.

December 1 Green Energy News posted first on Green Energy Times

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