Friday 9 November 2018

November 9 Green Energy News

Headline News:

  • “Voters Raise Nevada Renewables Goal to 50%, NV Energy has $2 Billion Plans” • Nevada voters approved a measure to increase the renewable energy portfolio standard for state utilities from 15% in 2025 to 50% by 2030, a goal for which NV Energy is preparing with $2 billion worth of requests for proposals this year. [CleanTechnica]

Nevada solar array (Credit: Berkshire Hathaway Energy)

  • “Federal Judge Halts Keystone XL Pipeline Construction” • A US District Judge found that the US government’s use of a 2014 environmental review to justify issuing a presidential permit for construction of the cross-border pipeline violated the National Environmental Policy Act, the Endangered Species Act, and the Administrative Procedure Act. [CNN]
  • “Indiana Utility Says Replacing Coal with Renewables will Save Customers $4 Billion” • Coal is king in Indiana when it power generation, but not for much longer. Northern Indiana Public Service Co has found a mix of solar, wind, energy storage, and demand management will save its customers $4 billion over the next 30 years. [CleanTechnica]
  • “Tesla Plans to Spend up to $3 Billion a Year on Gigafactories over next 24 Months” • In its latest 10-Q filing with the SEC, Tesla says it is planning to spend big on upgrading Gigafactories 1, 2, and 3. In fact, it plans to spend up to $3 billion a year over the next two years. It also says it expects to pay for most of that from current earnings. [CleanTechnica]
  • “New York Offers 800-MW Offshore Prize” • New York state launched an 800-MW offshore wind solicitation with bids due in February 2019. Awards for projects will come in spring 2019 in time to take advantage of federal tax credits. New York plans to host 2.4 GW of offshore wind to help meet its 50% green energy targets for 2030. [reNEWS]

For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.

November 9 Green Energy News posted first on Green Energy Times

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