Sunday 4 November 2018

November 4 Green Energy News

Headline News:

  • “Putting Speed Bumps in Hurricane Alley” • New research suggests that massive installations of wind turbines could lessen the deluge when powerful hurricanes bring devastating amounts of rain onto land. During such recent storms as Harvey and Florence this could have meant less destruction and fewer deaths. [EcoWatch]

Wind farm – moderating storms

  • “Dominion Energy Moving Swiftly toward Renewable Energy Goal” • In 2015, when Dominion Energy’s solar portfolio was just over 1 MW, it set a goal of 400 MW under development in Virginia by 2020. It now has 824 MW in operation or under development in the state. It is also adding both onshore and offshore windpower. [REVE]
  • “Tides and Technology for Future Electricity Supply” • There is hope that new marine renewable technologies can increase Australia’s power supply by capturing the energy in waves and tides. Wave Swell Energy, is working with Tasmanian scientists at the Australian Maritime College on projects to see this goal achieved. [Tasmania Examiner]
  • “China Has Record Electric Car Sales Month” • After a few months threatening to break the all-time record (102,635 units, set last December), the Chinese plug-in electric vehicle market finally hit a new high, with some 104,900 plug-in vehicles being registered in September. This is up 66% and in line with previous months’ growth rates. [CleanTechnica]
  • “Offshore Wind Projects Hasten Asia’s Renewable Shift from Solar” • China is starting to build its largest offshore wind-power facility as part of an accelerating shift in Asia away from solar to wind and other renewable resources. Wood Mackenzie sees windpower capacity in Asia growing by a factor of 20 over the next decade. [Nikkei Asian Review]

For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.

November 4 Green Energy News posted first on Green Energy Times

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