Wednesday 28 November 2018

November 28 Green Energy News

Headline News:

  • “Sydney Storms: Hundreds Call for Help amid Flash-Flooding” • Sydney, the capital of New South Wales, had its average monthly rainfall within just two hours, meteorologists said. More than 500 people called for emergency assistance after the storm it the city and nearby regions, causing floods, power cuts, and flight delays. [BBC]

Flood in Australia (Reuters image)

  • “Queensland Bushfires: Thousands Told to Flee ‘Catastrophic’ Threat” • More than 130 bushfires are burning in Queensland, fuelled by strong winds, a heat wave and dry vegetation. The state has raised its fire danger warning to “catastrophic,” the highest level, for the first time ever, and told thousands of people to evacuate. [BBC] (Queensland is the next state north of News South Wales.)
  • “Trump Administration Climate Change Report is Dead Wrong, Says Trump Administration” • After reading “some” of the National Climate Assessment Report, Trump said “I don’t believe it.” White House press secretary Sarah Sanders explained that it is “not based on facts,” adding, “We’d like to see something that is more data-driven.” [CNN]
  • “California’s Community has Chosen 2 GW of Renewables” • Community choice aggregators in California have now signed over 2 GW of power purchase agreements for renewable energy projects. Of the 59 projects, 43 of them were solar power facilities totalling 1,360 MW and ranging in size from 60 kW through 200 MW. [pv magazine USA]
  • “General Motors is Cutting 14,000 Jobs and Focusing on Self-Driving and Electric Vehicles” • GM is shuttering plants, but this is a step toward a new corporate focus on producing electric and autonomous vehicles. Its new motto is “Zero Crashes, Zero Emissions, Zero Congestion,” as it increases spending on new-technology vehicle programs. [Vox]
  • “Another Coal Myth Busted as Developing Nations Turn to Renewables” • A study put an end to the myth that the world’s developing nation’s are maintaining a dependence on coal. It showed that emerging economies are the renewable energy investment and development leaders and have reduced their new coal plant builds by nearly half. [Daddyhood]

For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.

November 28 Green Energy News posted first on Green Energy Times

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