Wednesday 21 November 2018

November 21 Green Energy News

Headline News:

  • “Swedish Mining Equipment Manufacturer Will Be 100% Electric in 5 Years” • After its first generation electric mining vehicles logged 60,000 hours, Swedish mining equipment manufacturer Epiroc launched its second generation. It said it will electrify its entire lineup in the next 5 years, including some of the planet’s largest EVs. [CleanTechnica]

Epiroc mining equipment

  • “Zinke Rips ‘Radical Environmental Groups’ over California Fires” • Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke put blame on “radical environmental groups” for the spreading California wildfires. He criticized “lawsuit after lawsuit by, yes, the radical environmental groups that would rather burn down the entire forest than cut a single tree or thin the forest.” [CNN]
  • “Islands Ditching Diesel in Favor of Renewables” • Residents on two of Scotland’s remotest islands are celebrating securing a sustainable, 24-hour electricity supply, after years of living with diesel generators that shut down every night. The 55 inhabitants of Fair Isle and 15 on Canna are running on wind, solar, and energy storage. [pv magazine International]
  • “EU Parliament Approves New Rules to Meet 2030 Renewable Energy Target” • The European Parliament signed off on new renewables and energy efficiency regulations, including the approval of a renewable energy target of at least 32% for 2030. The renewables target would be binding throughout the European Union. [AltEnergyMag]
  • “New Governors May Bring Gigawatts of Renewable Additions Across America” • Democrats took seven governorships from Republicans. The results of those elections may open a path for higher renewable portfolio standards and gigawatts of solar and wind deployments, analysis from Wood Mackenzie Power & Renewables says. [Greentech Media]

For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.

November 21 Green Energy News posted first on Green Energy Times

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