Friday 2 November 2018

November 2 Green Energy News

Headline News:

  • “In Iowa Farm Country, These Candidates are Taking on Climate Deniers” • This election will test how long Iowa is willing to tolerate elected leaders who deny one of the greatest risks to the farming industry. “One thing about climate change – farmers care about that,” a political science professor at the University of Iowa said. [InsideClimate News]

Flooding on an Iowa farm (Tony Webster, CC-BY-2.0)

  • “These Red and Blue States are Tackling Climate Change Since Trump Won’t” • If you have been focused on reports of climate disaster, or on the Trump administration’s relentless attacks on environmental safeguards and climate science, you are likely to worry that we are not making progress at all. But look a little closer. [Environmental Defense Fund]
  • “Snowy Hydro Smashes Price Benchmarks for ‘Fair Dinkum’ Wind and Solar” • The Australian federal government-owned utility Snowy Hydro announced stunning new prices for “firm” (dispatchable) wind and solar power after awarding contracts to eight wind and solar projects. The result is power costing below current wholesale. [RenewEconomy]
  • “Billionaire Tackles Government ‘Dishonesty’ on Renewables” • Australian software billionaire Mike Cannon-Brookes accused Prime Minister Scott Morrison of being dishonest when he blamed renewables for rising power bills. Cannon-Brookes called on clean energy supporters to back his “Fair Dinkum Power” movement. [The Sydney Morning Herald]
  • “The North Carolina Governor’s Ambitious Climate Goal” • North Carolina would cut its greenhouse gas emissions by 40% by 2025 under a statewide goal set by Gov Roy Cooper. With Cooper’s executive order, North Carolina has joined states like Colorado, California, and others that have set ambitious climate change goals. [Governing]

For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.

November 2 Green Energy News posted first on Green Energy Times

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