Sunday 18 November 2018

November 18 Green Energy News

Headline News:

  • “Climate Change and Wildfires – How Do We Know if There Is a Link?” • Global warming does not start wildfires. The proximate cause of wildfires may be human carelessness, or it may be a natural event, such as “dry lightning” from a storm that produces little rain. But global warming does increase the risk of wildfires and makes them worse. [WFAE]

The Camp fire in Northern California (Cal Fire)

  • “California Wildfires: Trump Visits State’s Deadliest Blaze” • President Donald Trump went to California to survey the most destructive and deadliest wildfire in the its history. He said it had not changed his point of view on climate change, adding, “I want great climate and we’re going to have that and we’re going to have forests that are very safe.” [BBC]
  • “Habitat Loss Threatens All Our Futures, World Leaders Warned” • Since 1970 humanity has wiped out 60% of mammals, birds, fish and reptiles, according to the latest Living Planet Report by WWF, which has warned that the loss of wildlife was now an emergency that is threatening our civilisation. The decline in all life is calamitous. [The Guardian]
  • “The Remote Arctic Town That Is Melting Away” • As the Arctic loses ice at dramatic rates, people in Qaanaaq, the northernmost town in Greenland, are finding their homes, livelihoods, customs and very survival at risk. The town is built on permafrost, which was stable in the past, but now the permafrost is melting. (Photo gallery) [BBC]
  • “Offshore Wind Energy Cable Base Planned for New England” • Subsea power provider JDR Cable Systems and McAllister Towing and Transportation Co, Inc are planning to develop a cable service base in the northeast US to serve the emerging offshore wind energy industry. The facility would include an integrated cable training center. [WorkBoat]

For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.

November 18 Green Energy News posted first on Green Energy Times

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