Monday 12 November 2018

November 12 Green Energy News

Headline News:

  • “Climate Change Helped Make California a Tinder Box for its Record-Setting Wildfires” • Camp Fire, which is devastating Sierra Nevada foothills, has become the most destructive wildfire in California’s history. By the evening of November 10, it had scorched 105,000 acres of land and killed 23 people, with more than 100 people still unaccounted for. [Quartz]

The Camp Fire (Noah Berger | AP)

  • “Plunging Battery Costs to Trigger Energy Storage Boom” • Bloomberg New Energy Finance has forecast a veritable boom in energy storage installations in coming years with investments hitting $1.2 trillion by 2040. Falling battery costs will drive this boom, and BNEF projects a 52% drop for utility-scale lithium-ion systems by 2030. []
  • “Smart Battery System Saves more than $2,000 a Year on Electricity Bills” • Power bills will fall by more than A$2,000 ($1,440) per year for owners of a new smart battery system. Systems like those from PowerPlay identify times of household off-peak electricity use. They can choose to store power or sell it to the grid. [Energy Matters]
  • “Coal Loses Again as US Military Pushes Clean Power Envelope” • An Association of Defense Communities report provides evidence that cities and states can help US military facilities become more resilient and secure, simply by adopting stronger clean power policies that apply to the civilian world – in other words, by ditching coal. [CleanTechnica]
  • “Faroes to Fly Minesto Tidal Kite” • Swedish tidal developer Minesto secured an agreement to supply two 100-kW devices to Faroe Islands power utility SEV by 2020. Installation of the first DG100 unit is planned for late 2019 or early 2020, with the second device to be installed in 2020. SEV committed to buy the electricity generated. [reNEWS]

For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.

November 12 Green Energy News posted first on Green Energy Times

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