Saturday 24 November 2018

At the VECAN Conference, a Morning Workshop:

The 2019 Legislative Look Forward

Vermont State House (Wikipedia)

A work session on legislative activity will be presented by Senator Becca Balint, Senator Christopher Bray, and Lauren Hierl of the Vermont Conservation Voters.

Now, more than ever, strong state policy is required to do our part to mitigate against a warming world and ensure Vermonters can access more affordable, efficient, and renewable technologies for all their energy needs. This workshop will provide an overview of likely policies in play in the 2019 legislative session, including a platform shared by low-income, business, faith, public health and environmental advocates. Expanding weatherization. Deploying more electric cars and buses. Expanding renewable opportunities. Examining and advancing pollution pricing that works for Vermont. Get the scoop and find out what’s needed to make much-needed progress this year.

Green Energy Times editor Nancy Rae Mallery calls the VECAN Conference “Vermont’s best renewable energy event.” We recommend that everyone consider attending.

This year’s conference will again be held at beautiful Lake Morey Resort in Fairlee, Vermont. It will be on Saturday, December 1st from 9 AM to 4:30 PM. Stay tuned for more details coming soon!

Early registration fee, through November 25th, is $40.00. Beginning on November 26th, registration will increase to $50.00.

See Conference Workshop Descriptions here!


At the VECAN Conference, a Morning Workshop: posted first on Green Energy Times

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