Monday 19 November 2018

Annual conference spurs innovative energy future & reveals rebrand for NH clean energy organization

Sparking New Ideas & New Image

Annual conference spurs innovative energy future & reveals rebrand for state clean energy organization

Concord, NH – The first snow storm of the year may as well have been confetti for the 2018 Local Energy Solutions (LES) Conference, held November 16th at the solar-powered Grappone Conference Center. The conference kindled new ideas and solutions for New Hampshire’s energy future, attracting a crowd of over 310 registrants, 250 of which refused to be daunted by the snow. Focusing on the communities, businesses, and policymakers that drive change and success, the event highlighted energy storage, microgrids, efficiency, electric vehicles, and beyond as opportunities to address the Granite State’s energy challenges.

“This conference is successful because it’s solutions-focused,” says Henry Herndon, Director of Local Energy Solutions with the New Hampshire Sustainable Energy Association (NHSEA), which organizes and hosts the event. “We bring the best of the best to share their knowledge, skills, and stories on every topic regarding local and state energy issues. It’s all about empowering individuals, businesses, and communities to enrich themselves with the benefits of energy efficiency and renewable energy. The LES network is truly creating a positive energy future for our state, and we’re proud to assist in every way possible.”

Among the new information presented was an exciting announcement from NHSEA, the state’s largest nonpartisan non-profit dedicated exclusively to clean energy advocacy and education.

“We were thrilled to announce that our organization will be rebranding,” says Madeleine Mineau, Executive Director of NHSEA. “Beginning in January 2019, NHSEA will become ‘Clean Energy NH’. Our goal with this rebranding is to position the organization to be more impactful on policy and regulatory issues, provide more services to our individual and business members, and expand our vital efforts at the community level.”

Established in 2003, NHSEA has become well-known for its track record of success in the policy realm, helping to defend and advance clean energy policies and programs using a fact-based, nonpartisan approach. In addition, the organization has developed a strong business network under the NH Clean Tech Council.

“NHSEA is the best-positioned organization to support our state through the evolution of the clean energy economy. With the rebrand to ‘Clean Energy NH’, we plan to increase our impact and make the benefits of clean energy known to every NH citizen, business, and community,” says Mineau.

Clean Energy NH will launch its new website and membership structure in January 2019. For more information, contact 603-226-4732.


Annual conference spurs innovative energy future & reveals rebrand for NH clean energy organization posted first on Green Energy Times

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