Friday 5 October 2018

October 5 Green Energy News

Headline News:

  • “Australia Set for More Records in Annual RET Accreditations” • The Clean Energy Regulator in Australia said it expects more than 3.4 GW of large-scale renewable power plants to get accredited under the Renewable Energy Target this year, and up to 4.3 GW to follow in 2019. In 2017, there were 1.7 GW of plants accredited. [Renewables Now]

Wind farm in Australia (Photo: AGL Energy)

  • “Large-scale Wind Power Would Require More Land and Cause More Environmental Impact than Previously Thought” • “Wind beats coal by any environmental measure, but that does not mean that its impacts are negligible.” Wind turbines cannot be extensively installed without atmospheric impacts that need to be considered. [Harvard Gazette] (I believe the original article is being misinterpreted widely. I will look into this. – GHH)
  • “Mexico Could Cut Electricity Prices By 40% With Renewables” • Mexico could see electricity prices drop by as much as 40% by deploying more renewable energy generating capacity. This is the conclusion of a study carried out by the Mexican Business Coordination Council, quoted by commodity information provider S&P Global Platts. []
  • “Lake Erie Icebreaker Wind Project Receives Federal Approval” • A federal review led by the DOE of the proposed Icebreaker Lake Erie wind project found no significant environmental impacts. The report, which was based on over two years of study, states that the project would not significantly affect migratory birds. [Renewable Energy Magazine]
  • “‘Not One Country’ On Track to Limit Global Warming to 2°C” • Consultancy giant PwC has published its latest Low Carbon Economy Index for 2018 which shows that not only are emissions on the rise again, but that not even one G20 country is achieving the necessary decarbonization rate to limit global warming to the necessary 2°C. [CleanTechnica]

For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.

October 5 Green Energy News posted first on Green Energy Times

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