Sunday 28 October 2018

October 28 Green Energy News

Headline News:

  • “Dry Lakes and Dust Storms: Dramatic Changes to Yukon Glaciers are Warning for Planet, Researchers Say” • The Yukon’s enormous glaciers are thinning very quickly, creating huge environmental changes. The dramatic changes are an early warning of what climate change could mean for the rest of the planet, researchers say. []

Kaskawulsh glacier, or what is left of it

  • “Why Canadian Tar Sands Oil may be Doomed” • At current prices, $19 per barrel, Canadian tar sands oil producers are losing money on every barrel of oil they dig out. Despite signs earlier this year the industry would “turn profitable in 2018,” a much more likely scenario at this point is a fourth straight year of losses. [NationofChange]
  • “Billionaire Brawl: Warren Buffett vs Sheldon Adelson in Nevada” • Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway owns NV Energy, a government-regulated monopoly that ranks as the state’s largest utility. And Adelson is bankrolling a campaign to break up the company and take control of where his power-hungry casinos buy electricity. [Politico]
  • “What Mary Barra’s National EV Mandate Plan Says – and Doesn’t Say – about General Motors” • The public comment period on the federal government’s plan to roll back Obama-era fuel economy standards will end soon. Just before the deadline, Mary Barra, CEO of General Motors, submitted her company’s position. [CleanTechnica]
  • “As Trump Slashes Environmental Regulations, the EPA Union Forms the Crux of an Internal Resistance” • The American Federation of Government Employees represents EPA workers, and as the Trump Administration works to hasten climate change, the union and the employees it represents have proven to be a source of resistence. [Salon]

For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.

October 28 Green Energy News posted first on Green Energy Times

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