Friday 19 October 2018

October 19 Green Energy News

Headline News:

“Trump’s failure to fight climate change is a crime against humanity” • President Donald Trump, along with others who oppose action to address human-induced climate change, should be held accountable for climate crimes against humanity. Their policies deny the rights to life, health, and property to their own citizens and people worldwide. [CNN]

Refugee shelters in Kenya (Pete Lewis, Department for International Development, Wikimedia Commons).
Climate change will force increasing numbers of people to live in refugee camps with little hope.

  • “Switching To Clean Energy May Save 11 Million Life Years In India” • India could save an estimated 11 million life years each year by replacing coal-fired power plants with clean, renewable energy, according to a Harvard study. Burning coal is a major cause of air pollution, which is one of the largest contributors to death in both India and China. [NDTV]
  • “Justice Dept asks Supreme Court to put climate change lawsuit on hold” • The Justice Department filed an emergency petition asking the Supreme Court to put on hold a federal lawsuit by 21 minors youths who say the federal government failure to act to curb climate change is depriving them of rights to life, liberty and property. [CNN]
  • “Local leaders commission Rhode Island landfill solar array” • Governor Gina Raimondo, along with business leaders and other elected officials, joined Southern Sky Renewable Energy RI to mark the completion of a 2.6-MW solar array. The former municipal landfill site is now producing clean energy for the town of North Providence. [Solar Power World]
  • “December date for Massachusetts offshore bonanza” • The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management will hold an auction on 13 December to lease 158,000 hectares off the Massachusetts coast for offshore wind development. Nineteen companies have qualified to participate in the auction for the Massachusetts Wind Energy Area. [reNEWS]

For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.

October 19 Green Energy News posted first on Green Energy Times

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