Wednesday 17 October 2018

October 17 Green Energy News

Headline News:

  • “Trump Administration to Drop its Emergency Coal, Nuclear Bailout Plan” • The Trump administration has shelved a plan to invoke wartime emergency powers to justify multibillion-dollar bailouts for economically struggling coal and nuclear plants, at least for now. Several sources say economic and security advisors objected to the plan. [Greentech Media]

Sun setting on a coal plant

  • “Volkswagen’s Diesel Scandal Costs hit $33 billion with New Audi Penalty” • Volkswagen is once again counting the cost of cheating on diesel engine emissions tests. The German carmaker said that it had been hit with a new fine relating to failings at its Audi subsidiary, sending the total cost of the scandal to nearly $33 billion. [CNN]
  • “Afghan Drought ‘Displacing More People than Taliban Conflict'” • A deadly drought in Afghanistan is causing a humanitarian crisis that has displaced more people this year than the war between the government and the Taliban. The UN is allocating $34.6 million to help the 2.2 million people estimated to have been affected by the drought. [BBC]
  • “Japan will Flush Unsafe Water from Fukushima Nuclear Plant into Sea” • Water the Japanese government is planning to release into the Pacific Ocean from the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant contains radioactive material well above legally permitted levels, according TEPCO, to the plant’s operator. []
  • “Wind and Solar Account for At Least 20% of Electricity In Ten States” • Wind and solar electricity generation in 2017 provided at least 20% of total generation in 10 states, according to new figures published by the US government’s Energy Information Administration. In four states, wind energy provided over 30% of the electricity. [CleanTechnica]

For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.

October 17 Green Energy News posted first on Green Energy Times

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