Tuesday 16 October 2018

October 16 Green Energy News

Headline News:

  • “The UN’s Devastating Climate Change Report was Too Optimistic” • While deniers claim the latest IPCC report is “too alarmist,” one former IPCC lead author said, “If anything it is the opposite. Once again, with their latest report, they have been overly conservative (ie, erring on the side of understating, underestimating the problem).” [Motherboard]

Dry countryside (Shutterstock image)

  • “US Corporations Break 4-GW Renewable Energy Record” • Large US companies are acting on renewable energy goals at a record pace. During the course of this year, through August, they have already procured nearly 4 GW of utility-scale wind and solar capacity, breaking the previous full-year record, set in 2015, by nearly 750 MW. [Solar Power World]
  • “Australia Should be ‘Exporting Sunshine, Not Coal’, Economist Jeffrey Sachs Tells Q&A” • Economist Jeffrey Sachs has criticised successive Australian governments for “defending a 19th or 20th century industry” rather than taking decisive action to address climate change. He said Australia should be “exporting sunshine, not coal.” [The Guardian]
  • “Post IPCC 1.5°C Report, UK Government Seeks Advice on Net-Zero Emissions Target” • A week after the IPCC report warned that limiting global warming to 1.5°C requires unprecedented action, the government of the UK is seeking advice from its Committee on Climate Change on setting a date for a net-zero emissions target. [CleanTechnica]
  • “UK’s Largest Companies Pledge Hundreds of Millions of Pounds to Tackle Climate Change” • Around thirty of the top businesses across the UK have announced significant pledges, worth hundreds of millions of pounds, to tackle climate change. The pledges mark the government’s first ever Green GB & NI Week. [GOV.UK]

For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.

October 16 Green Energy News posted first on Green Energy Times

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