Wednesday 10 October 2018

October 10 Green Energy News

Headline News:

  • “Why You Have (Probably) Already Bought Your Last Car” • You may be scoffing in disbelief at this article’s title, but bear with me. A growing number of tech analysts are predicting that in under 20 years we will all have stopped owning cars, and the internal combustion engine will have been consigned to the dustbin of history. [BBC]

Driverless taxi (Getty Images)

  • “There Is Only One Energy Future: Firmed Renewables” • Even if we put climate change imperative to one side, we would still have a profound energy transition. The cheapest and cleanest technology for replacing old electric power plants is renewable energy, even when it is coupled with necessary firming technologies. [The Australian Financial Review]
  • “Diverse Forests Can Absorb More Carbon Than Single Species Forests, Study Finds” • A study comparing forests was published in the journal, Science. Its authors estimate that for every additional species of tree found in a forest, there is an additional 6% increase in carbon storage – up to a tree stand of 20 different species. [Science Trends]
  • “Denmark Discusses Labeling Food For Climate Impact” • The Danish government began discussing proposals to oblige food manufacturers and supermarkets to put labels on their products that would rate their impact on the environment and climate. The move is being supported by the Danish Agriculture and Food Council. [CNN]
  • “Australia’s Top Scientist Calls For Hydrogen Revolution To Replace Fossil Fuels” • The federal government’s top scientist Alan Finkel says Australia could slash global carbon emissions and create a multi-billion dollar export industry by developing hydrogen as an energy source to replace fossil fuels for vehicles, homes, and industry. [The Sydney Morning Herald]

For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.

October 10 Green Energy News posted first on Green Energy Times

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