Tuesday 25 September 2018

September 25 Green Energy News

Headline News:

  • “Global warming harms national parks more than rest of US, study finds” • According a climate study published by researchers at the University of California, Berkeley and the University of Wisconsin, areas that are chock-full of national parks, places like Alaska and the American Southwest, have already seen dramatic temperature hikes. [NBC News]

Alaska’s North Slope (Photo: Al Grillo | AP file)

  • “Plan put forward to dodge US sanctions” • The remaining members in the Iranian nuclear deal say they will set up a new payment system to maintain business with Iran and bypass US sanctions. The system would facilitate oil companies and businesses to continue trading, without relying on the US-led global market and dollar. [BBC]
  • “RE100: Green companies outperform their peers” • Those companies that use renewable electricity outperform their rivals financially, according to a report released by RE100, The Climate Group’s initiative to encourage firms to commit to using 100% renewable power. The report compared 152 RE100 companies with rivals. [businessgreen.com]
  • “Michigan utilities upgrade pumped storage plant ahead of renewable push” • The Ludington Pumped Storage Plant serves as 1900-MW battery for Michigan’s electric grid. The plant is getting an $800 million upgrade that will boost capacity and extend its life another 40 years, to store energy from solar and wind plants. [Energy News Network]
  • “Owners Vote to Continue Vogtle Nuclear Project” • Owners of the beleaguered Plant Vogtle nuclear expansion project have voted, at least for now, to continue construction of two new AP1000 reactors at the site near Waynesboro, Georgia. One owner’s board said its vote was conditioned on an agreement to cap costs. [Power Magazine]

For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.

September 25 Green Energy News posted first on Green Energy Times

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