Wednesday 19 September 2018

September 19 Green Energy News

Headline News:

  • “Miami’s Existence Is Threatened With As Little As 18″ Of Sea Level Rise” • Miami is very vulnerable to the effects of climate change. It sees sunny day flooding as regularly as clockwork. It has the third-tallest skyline in the US, but most of the buildings are close are sea level. It is built on porous sandstone, so even a seawall will not work. [CleanTechnica]

Miami area (Hoberman Collection | UIG via Getty Images)

  • “Q&A: Why Offshore Wind is the Future” • Energy company Ørsted has abandoned the oil and gas business it began with for renewables. Now it has eleven offshore wind farms in the UK, including the world’s biggest, Walney Extension. Matthew Wright, Ørsted UK managing director, explains the thinking behind the move. [Raconteur]
  • “More Than 130 Companies Have Made Science-Based Targets This Year Alone” • Since the beginning of the year, more than 130 companies have joined the Science Based Targets initiative, pushing the total number of companies close to 500 and representative of about one-eighth of total global market capitalization. [CleanTechnica]
  • “Trump administration rewrites Obama-era rule for potent greenhouse gas” • The Trump administration has finished rewriting an Obama administration rule on methane pollution from oil and gas wells on public lands. The new rule eliminates regulations for the companies that operate on federal land some call complicated and expensive. [CNN]
  • “Indian Point Relicensed – Closing Still Set” • The NRC has approved license extensions for the Indian Point nuclear reactor units 2 and 3 to 2024 and 2025, respectively. Entergy, however, agreed with New York State to cease operations at Indian Point 2 by April 30, 2020 and Indian Point 3 by April 30, 2021, unless some emergency develops. []

For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.

September 19 Green Energy News posted first on Green Energy Times

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