Sunday 16 September 2018

September 16 Green Energy News

Headline News:

  • “Optimism trumps despair at San Francisco climate summit” • Mayors, governors, entrepreneurs, chief executives, investors, and celebrities delivered a double-edged message at the close of the Global Climate Action Summit in San Francisco: Global warming is making the planet unlivable – but we know how to fix it. [The Japan Times]

Woman dressed as a tree (AFP-JIJI)

  • “Hurricane Florence Is 50 Miles Larger, with 50% More Rain, Thanks to Climate Change” • For the first time, researchers have calculated the impact of climate change on a hurricane as it was active. Hurricane Florence, they found, was about 50 miles (80 km) larger and dumped 50% more rain than it would have had without climate change. [Infosurhoy]
  • “Marubeni’s shock exit from coal” • Japanese energy giant Marubeni Corp is getting out of coal and accelerating its shift into renewable energy dramatically, according to a story in Nikkei. If the story is true, it will send shockwaves around the energy world and confirm that renewable energy is not just cleaner, but more economic than coal. [Michael West News]
  • “China demolishes high emission power plants with installed capacity two times more than Britain’s total” • Britain’s total installed power plant capacity is about 70,000 MW, but the gross installed capacity of the power plants demolished in China was 170,000 MW, a Chinese senior official said at the Global Climate Action Summit. [ecns]
  • “Moving Beyond Coal at the Global Climate Action Summit” • America will meet its Paris Climate Agreement targets, the director of the Sierra Club’s Beyond Coal campaign said. Over 200 new coal plants stopped construction, over half of US coal plants closed (273 and counting), and coal cannot compete with renewable power. [Red, Green, and Blue]

For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.

September 16 Green Energy News posted first on Green Energy Times

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