Saturday 15 September 2018

September 15 Green Energy News

Headline News:

  • “Worsening storms are the price of greed” • The necessary and terrifyingly overdue efforts to combat climate change at the source of worsening storms are simply not being made in the US. Instead, even small victories, such as reducing pollution from coal and US participation in the Paris Climate Accord, are being walked back. [CNN]

Boat wedged between trees by Hurricane Florence

  • “Hurricane Florence is the latest setback to struggling flood insurance program” • Hurricane Florence will bring flooding and destruction to thousands of homes in the Carolinas and Virginia. It is another blow to the federal program providing insurance against flood damage that has already had $16 billion in debt forgiven by congress. [CNN]
  • “Hurricane Florence Is Part Of What Al Gore Got Right In An Inconvenient Truth” • This was supposed to be a lighter-than-usual season due to the El Niño cycle, but due to climate change, lighter does not mean what it used to. In context of this, it’s worth revisiting the predictions made in Al Gore’s film to assess their quality. [CleanTechnica]
  • “Texas electric grid did just fine without coal-fired power plants” • A hot summer, during which critics said the Electric Reliability Council of Texas would fail because it relied too much on wind energy, instead proved grids can close uneconomical coal plants, rely on renewable energy, and still provide reliability and reasonable prices. [Houston Chronicle]
  • “Gov Brown says California to Launch Satellite to Track Pollutants Causing Climate Change” • Gov Jerry Brown said California will launch a satellite to monitor pollutants that contribute to climate change. The governor announced the project during the closing of the Global Climate Action Summit in San Francisco. [USA Herald]

For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.


September 15 Green Energy News posted first on Green Energy Times

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