Friday 21 September 2018

Oct. 4th DEC Lunch: Heads I Win, Tails You Lose: Ratepayer Advocacy after Restructuring

The next DEC Pizza Lunch will be held on October 4th
With the sale a few weeks ago of the last of Eversource’s generation assets in the Granite State, the restructuring of New Hampshire’s electric industry is finally complete – a mere 22 years after the Legislature opted for restructuring. An open electricity grid, the opportunity to choose electric suppliers, emerging technologies like distributed generation and utility-scale storage, and the growth in energy efficiency programs all offer opportunities to reduce costs for consumers while giving them more control over how they use energy. And yet it is harder than ever to make sure ratepayers do not end up bearing the brunt of mistakes and outright rent-seeking by industry participants.  As the official advocate for New Hampshire’s residential utility customers, Consumer Advocate Don Kreis will discuss the challenges and opportunities.
Thursday, October 4th
Fahey First Floor Commons – Dartmouth College

About Don Kreis:

D. Maurice (“Don”) Kreis has served as New Hamp
shire’s Consumer Advocate, representing the interests of residential utility customers, since 2016. Don has previously served as general counsel of the New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission, a hearing officer with the Vermont Public Utility Commission, and associate director of the Institute for Energy and the Environment at Vermont Law School. Having spent a decade as a reporter prior to law school, Don continues to dabble in journalism as the author of the column “Power to the People” on the news web site

Oct. 4th DEC Lunch: Heads I Win, Tails You Lose: Ratepayer Advocacy after Restructuring posted first on Green Energy Times

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