Monday 30 July 2018

July 30 Clean Energy News

Headline News:

  • “Latest climate change projections ominous for Iowa” • In 1991, climate scientists believed that climate change in the Midwest would lead to a warmer, wetter climate, including warmer winters and more rain in spring and early summer. They were right. New climate projections for Iowa may make you sweat – and build a dam around your home! [The Gazette]

Flooding in Iowa in 2016 (Jim Slosiarek | The Gazette)

  • “Renewables beat fossil fuels, and are getting cheaper” • A study by Bernstein documents the persistent drop in the levelized cost of electricity from renewable generation with projections of future cost potentials. It argues that the cost of wind and solar power is likely to be well below the cost of fossil fuel generation nearly everywhere. [RenewEconomy]
  • “The EV Safety Advantage” • Electric cars are now known for being quick. They are known for being clean. They are known for being quiet and smooth to drive. However, one of their biggest benefits is something seldom discussed or even acknowledged. Major independent government agencies rate EVs as the safest cars to drive. [CleanTechnica]
  • “Ørsted’s wind power pivot: the story so far” • In 2017, Ørsted abandoned the oil and gas market, refocusing on becoming a prime player in the burgeoning global wind turbine market. How is it doing? Ørsted’s interim report for the first quarter of 2018 indicated that the period’s operating profits grew 68%, year-on-year. [Power Technology]
  • “California set to spend $3 billion increasing efficiency of Hoover Dam” • The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power has expressed aims to build a pump station and pipeline at the Hoover Dam in order to boost the capacity of the 80-year-old facility with wind and solar energy. The dam operates at about 20% of its potential capacity. [Energy Digital]

For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.

July 30 Clean Energy News posted first on Green Energy Times

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