Friday 6 April 2018

April 6 Green Energy News

Headline News:

  • Opinion: “Solar PV and wind are on track to replace all coal, oil and gas within two decades” • Solar PV and wind power are getting cheaper and more abundant so rapidly that they are on track to entirely supplant fossil fuels worldwide within two decades. The political voices saying Australia needs new coal stations sound rather quaint. [The Conversation AU]
Current world generation trends, extrapolated to 2032 (Andrew Blakers | Matthew Stocks, Author provided)

Current world generation trends, extrapolated to 2032
(Andrew Blakers | Matthew Stocks, Author provided)

  • President Donald Trump said his administration is considering taking extraordinary steps to keep some money-losing power plants alive. FirstEnergy Solutions asked DOE head Rick Perry to exercise his Section 202 authority to declare a grid emergency and guarantee the profits of nuclear and coal-fired power plants in the eastern US. [Bloomberg]
  • The latest report by the Power Sector Carbon Index highlights how far carbon emissions from the power generation sector of the US economy have fallen. In 2005, generating a MWh of US electricity released 1,321 pounds of CO2. Today, the number is down to 967 pounds per MWh, down over 25%, according to the report. [CleanTechnica]
  • Siemens kicked off a new pilot in partnership with Chicago-based ComEd and the Illinois Institute of Technology that aims to redefine the microgrid as an integrated operating unit within the grid. The dual-pronged pilot is focused on developing a next-generation microgrid, based on solar PVs, storage, and even smaller microgrids. [CleanTechnica]
  • A report drafted by Bloomberg New Energy Finance, the United Nations Environment Programme, and the Frankfurt School-UNEP Collaborating Centre shows that global solar energy investments overshadowed all other forms of electricity generation in 2017. China is the leading renewables investors, worldwide. [pv magazine International]

For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.

April 6 Green Energy News posted first on Green Energy Times

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