Thursday 12 April 2018

April 12 Green Energy News

Headline News:

  • The Atlantic Ocean circulation that carries warmth into the Northern Hemisphere’s high latitudes is slowing down because of climate change, according to a peer-reviewed study published in the journal Nature. This suggests that one of the most feared consequences of climate change, affecting the Gulf Stream, is already coming to pass. [ScienceAlert]
Gulf Stream cooling (Levke Caesar | Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research)

Gulf Stream cooling (Levke Caesar | Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research)

  • Shell vowed to invest up to $2 billion every year to 2020 in its new energies division, which is tasked with growing the energy giant’s renewables business. Much of the cash will be spent on renewable power generation, Shell said. It is targeting markets in North America, Europe, and countries with “fast-growing” renewables sectors. [reNews]
  • “Solar and wind plus storage to increasingly replace gas plants” • For some years it has been obvious that increasing deployment of solar and wind is cutting into the market share of coal and nuclear power plants in the US and Europe. One industry pundit went so far as to call anyone who might build a combined cycle gas plant “crazy.” [pv magazine USA]
  • EDP-Energias de Portugal is optimistic about renewable power investments in the US, despite President Donald Trump’s push to support coal and nuclear power plants and the tariff he has slapped on imported solar panels. Its chief executive said in an interview, “US renewables represent the growth engine of our company.” []
  • The biggest coal-burning power plant in the West is fighting for survival. Despite support from the Trump administration and Republicans in Congress, it appears likely to close next year. The Navajo Generating Station in northern Arizona is facing difficulty as local utilities that use its power turn to cheaper renewable energy. []

For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.

April 12 Green Energy News posted first on Green Energy Times

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