Friday 30 March 2018

March 30 Green Energy News

Headline News:

  • Tri Global Energy has announced this week that its 148-MW Blue Cloud Wind Energy Project in Texas reached financial close. Construction will begin on 19,000 acres of privately-owned farmland. Investment is from Denmark-based Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners and wind turbines supplied by Danish manufacturer Vestas. [CleanTechnica]
    03-30 Wind turbines in Texas

    Wind turbines in Texas

  • FirstEnergy Corp said that it will shut down two nuclear plants in Ohio and one in Pennsylvania within the next three years. The utility said it plans to close its Davis-Besse nuclear plant near Toledo in 2020. The following year, it will shut down the Perry plant near Cleveland and its Beaver Valley nuclear plant in Pennsylvania. [Huntington Herald Dispatch]
  • According to data released by the federal government agencies, more than 93% of the power generation capacity added in India between October and December 2017 was renewable. This marks a continuation in the trend seen in the third quarter last year when just over 92% of the power generation capacity added in India was renewable. [CleanTechnica]
  • The EPA has circulated new talking points instructing staffers to say that “clear gaps” exist in understanding whether human activity contributes to climate change. Without addressing any shift in the agency’s stand, an EPA spokesperson said in a statement, “The talking points were developed by the Office of Public Affairs.” [CNN]
  • A South African court dismissed a bid to block $4.7 billion (R11.86 billion) in renewable power contracts, an energy ministry spokeswoman said, removing an obstacle to the first major investment deal under President Cyril Ramaphosa. The court in Pretoria said the legal application by Numsa and Transform RSA should be set aside. []

For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.

March 30 Green Energy News posted first on Green Energy Times

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