Tuesday 27 March 2018

March 27 Green Energy News

Headline News:

  • Britain has cut its power station carbon emissions by a quarter in only 12 months according to data by Imperial College London. A study in the journal Nature Energy, said that if the other main coal-consuming countries mirrored Britain’s approach, it would reduce global emissions by roughly a gigatonne, or 3% every year. [Telegraph.co.uk]
Coal-burning power plant (Reuters image)

Coal-burning power plant (Reuters image)

  • “You should be scared if you own natural gas stocks” • CNBC’s Jim Cramer has noticed a new group becoming “hated” on Wall Street: the natural gas cohort. And when he dug deeper, he realized that the weakness went beyond gas as a commodity. Companies that produce natural gas or even use it to produce electricity show the same weakness. [CNBC]
  • The Town of Hartford, Vermont, commissioned two rooftop solar projects on Town buildings in February. Norwich Solar Technologies of White River Junction installed a 98-kW DC, net-metered solar PV system on the roof of the town’s Wastewater Treatment Plant as well as a 37-kW DC system on the Public Works building. [Vermont Biz]
  • The Western Australian government has rejected the federal National Energy Guarantee in favour of its own renewable energy policy. WA Energy Minister Ben Wyatt says WA is determined not to be dragged into the east coast energy market “nightmare.” He said WA’s energy market is on-track to reduce carbon emissions. [Energy Matters]
  • Arizona’s largest utility is working with lawmakers to put its own renewable energy alternative on the November ballot. It has the same goal as the initiative having 50% of electricity from renewable sources. But it prohibits the commission from implementing the new requirement if it would have any effect at all on cost or reliability. [Arizona Capitol Times]

For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.

March 27 Green Energy News posted first on Green Energy Times

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